OI Magazine - N° 33 - March 2023

86 OI magazine Gardenese costume of married men and the groom. e groom wears red stockings as a special feature and a garland of owers on his le arm. e blue coat is worn by mayors, doctors, and well-o citizens, the brown coat is worn by farmers, and the green coat is worn by men belonging to the middle class. e mother of the bride wears the costume called “cazina” (see photo below) with a conical wool hat, while the godmother wears the costume called “slapa” with a white lace cap on her head. Both wear a closed bodice with wide ham-shaped sleeves typical of the Biedermeier period and similarly typical Biedermeier jewellery. In front on the le the mother of the bride on the right the father of the bride e father of the groom wears the Gardenese costume of the bagana, like all married men. e godmother and the godfather e grandparents of the bride and groom wear a woollen cap. e grandfather also wears the Gardenese costume (bagana) and displays a silver watch chain, indicating a certain level of economic prosperity. e grandparents e neighbours (see photo below) were very important in the lives of the bride and groom, as they o ered help in all needs and it was important to have a good relationship with them. e neighbours who lived in the rst house on the street leading to the church were invited to the wedding. e female neighbour wears a red shirt or jacket, the male neighbour wears the bagana costume. e neighbours