OI Magazine - N° 34 - October 2023

129 OI magazine Guglielmo Spa (Reggio Calabria, Calabria) A dream that began in 1935 by Guglielmo Papale in the marvellous waters of Calabria, overlooking the enchanting Gulf of Squillace. Guglielmo Ca è is now one of the largest entrepreneurial endeavours in the South of Italy. e roastery presents an image that blends both innovation and tradition. It’s not just a common company; it’s a big family and represents an extraordinary example of e ciency and production capacity. e production o ers a choice of six lines of co ee, ground and in beans. (www.ca eguglielmo.it) Trombetta Ca è (Rome, Lazio) In the heart of Lazio, Trombetta Ca è is synonymous with passion and dedication to co ee perfection. Founded in 1974, this roastery has earned a reputation for its commitment to sourcing the best beans from around the world. Every stage of production is carefully followed, resulting in a cup of Lazio co ee that tells a story of authentic quality. (www.ca etrombetta.it) Italy, a bastion of exquisite avours and unparalleled cra smanship in the world of co ee, takes centre stage as we delve into the realm of Italian Co ee Excellence. With a global reputation for its rich espresso culture and meticulous artisanal roasting techniques, Italian co ee unfolds as an elegant symphony for the discerning palate. In this journalistic journey, we present ve distinguished Italian co ee companies, each weaving its unique narrative through the excellence of their roasted beans. Arabica è Roastery (Catania, Sicily) e art of roasting meets the passion for Sicilian co ee at Arabica è. Founded in Catania by three friends, this roastery stands out for its meticulous bean selection and artisanal roasting that enhances the unique avours and aromas of the region. A sip of Arabica è co ee is a sensory journey through the traditions and landscapes of captivating Sicily (www.arabica e.it) Exploring the Rich Tapestry of Italian Co ee: Unveiling 5 Must-Try Co ee Brands by Patrizia PASSERI