OI Magazine - N° 34 - October 2023

Onofri MARIA RITA • +39 349.8318809 • mariaritaonofri@gmail.com • www.onofrimariarita.it Maria Rita Onofri lives and works in Rome. A child of art, her favorite metaphor is: “I was born in color to” remind herself rather than others that her mother was also a painter. Maria Rita Onofri is also a goldsmith, as well as an esteemed painter and sculptor. The vicissitudes of life and, above all, her passion, brought her back from goldsmithing to painting, to which she now devotes herself entirely in a continuous search that always enriches with new experiences. Her pictorial language, understandable on many levels, engages the viewer in the problems of life, often presenting their social side. Maria Rita Onofri’s signature is also in her patented technique, used to add thickness to the painting, characterized by three-dimensional shadings and brilliance on thin metal plates, to get out of the two-dimensionality of painting and into bas-relief, revisiting it with a new perspective. The artist actively participates in the world of culture as she is present in many competitions and art exhibitions both nationally and internationally, the most recent and significant of which include, the one at the Grand Palais in Paris, Quattro artisti a confronto at Arcore (MB), Omaggio alle donne afgane realized in Vienna and the international contemporary art exhibition Off Line at the Angelica Library in Rome. Among the exhibitions realized in 2023 we recall HUB/ART ARTIFICIAL NATURE in Barcelona, Arte a modo mio realized at Galleria Art Time in Udine and VIENNA CITY GALLERY - VIENNA SUMMER ART. Scholars and art critics including Giorgio Falossi, Paolo Levi, Sandro Serradifalco and Vittorio Sgarbi have written about her. I GIGANTI BUONI 2023, trowel acrylic with processed aluminum (technique covered by patent) 70 x 100 cm