OI Magazine - N° 34 - October 2023

Pucci OSVALDA • opucci761@gmail.com • www.op-arte.it Osvalda Pucci was born in Siena and lives in Arezzo. Approaching painting from a young age, she conducts research under the banner of the power of color. She trained in Siena under Plinio Tammaro and Teobaldo da Vinci. After studying different practices, Osvalda Pucci recognizes in the ancient technique of the “olio spanto” or “spanso” the ideal medium to express her messages on canvas, devoting herself to the reworking and renewal of the medium. Her personal artistic experimentation is manifested through abstract subjects and intense symbolic expressions, which often bear dual or multiple meanings, such as to detect a timeless world, in an almost metaphysical context. Her works are distinguished by “their metaphysical derivation, dense and rarefied symbology and the icasticity of the full-bodied colors; the juxtaposition of brown, purple, red, yellow, green and blue tones creates mysterious paths on the canvases, which speak of endless and timeless dimensions, where space is flooded with a cheerful and bright diffuse luminosity” (from Estetica Paradisiaca, 2015, edited by Stefania Pieralice). “The testimonial force of Osvalda Pucci’s personal form of painting lies in the transposition of emotions ,sensations and intimate reminiscences, which do not dematerialize in time” (from TILTESTETICA, 2014, edited by Daniele Radini Tedeschi). The artist has received nvarious prizes and awards and has participated in several exhibitions in Italy and abroad including, in 2000, the exhibition at the Maison De L’Italie University in Paris (F) and the one held at the Fad Plaza in Los Angeles (USA). TWILIGHT 2010, oil on hand-pressed paper 80 x 56 cm Participated in the “congiunti” project INCANTO 2021, oil on canvas and spanto color 80 x 80 cm