OI Magazine - N° 34 - October 2023

60 OI magazine e godchild and younger siblings of the bride and groom wear a white shirt and leather pants with embroidery, a pair of black shoes, white socks, and a leather belt embroidered with peacock feathers. In Ortisei, children also wear a red waistcoat and green suspenders with a pleated white collar. In Selva, children also wear a green hat, and on cold days, a green or brown jacket. In Santa Cristina, children also wear a brown jacket and a small black hat. e donzelli, usually a younger sister and a younger brother of the bride and groom, are recognizable by the green hat and the red jacket. e donzelli Underneath the red jacket, the donzello wears a red waistcoat, green suspenders, and a white shirt. Both donzelli wear a pleated collar. e top hat and overcoat characterize the Val Gardena groom’s and married men’s costume, which is called “bagana” from the Ladin name for the overcoat. . e Bride and Groom e bride and groom have the distinctive feature of wearing red stockings and a ower garland on their arm (while everyone else wears white stockings). e overcoat worn by married men could be blue, green, or brown: blue overcoats were worn by mayors, doctors, and a uent citizens, brown overcoats were worn by farmers, and green overcoats were worn by men of the middle class. On the le , there is the mother of the bride, and on the right, the father of the bride.